May 1, 2024
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Reserve your
spot by March 22

Beach Media Fest is a free on-campus event that connects the CSULB community with local businesses, campus services and student media.

Why Beach Media Fest?

Target Audience

Your business can can connect with potential customers who are actively engaged in campus life and the local Long Beach community.

Brand Exposure

By sponsoring or participating in Beach Media Fest you can increase your visibility among CSULB students and introduce your brand to new faces.

Networking Opportunities

You will have the opportunity to connect with students, faculty, alumni, and other local businesses, fostering potential partnerships and collaborations.

Community Engagement

By supporting student publications, your business will demonstrate a commitment to education and community engagement.

Recruitment Opportunities

By interacting with students and showcasing your company culture and career opportunities, you can attract top talent and build relationships with potential recruits.


Event Sponsorship

Includes visibility on ALL promotional materials and social media posts leading up to the event, and 10% discount on one future advertisement with any Beach Media entity.

We are also accepting IN-KIND or PRODUCT donations.